Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day 9: Mr. Scindia and Celebration Lunch

Day 9 was the final day for the group. We had a quick meeting with Jyotiraditya Scindia, the Minister of State for IT and Communications and also a GSB grad. Then we had a celebration lunch. At this point, the trip was over and many went out to do some last minute (or first minute) Christmas shopping or head to the airport.

As you can see from reading the blog, this trip was an incredible opportunity for all involved. Each day was packed with very high quality meetings and cultural stops. I for one was extremely grateful to get such a rich perspective of India's political and business environment in 10 short days. All the credit must go to our trip leaders: Dana Mauriello, Evan Reas, Abheek Anand, Sudarshan Srinivasan and Ishan Gupta. They promised us a BSTE (best study trip ever) and surely delivered.

Thanks for viewing the blog, and please feel free to leave your comments here for the group. See you all back on campus soon!


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