Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day 7: The Taj Mahel, home visits

Words and pictures can't do justice to the Taj Mahel, so I'm not going to try. All I'm going to do is recommend that you fly to Delhi and take a 5hr ride to Agra yourself. It is truly incredible.

Here's the group... may have to get a photoshop expert on this one to get rid of the fog. Trust me, it's back there.

So, while most of us were asleep for the 5 hour journey to the Taj, most of us were awake for the way home. I took the opportunity to teach some people about eucre, a traditional card game from Indiana. That's IndiaNA not India. Here's Kelly celebrating a solid trip to "the barn."
We quickly went out again after returning to our hotel. Our trip leaders graciously opened up their homes to the group for dinner. I was lucky enough to spend the evening with Abheek and his family and had my favorite meal of the trip. Others went to Suda's family's house or Ishan's sister house. It was a unique and great way to experience the culture of Delhi.

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