Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day 3: Tata / People Group / Flight to Bangalore

Although day 2 was a late night, no one could escape the schedule enforcement of this man, Mr. Evan Reas. Even is one of the 5 hardworking 2nd year trip leaders that are making this trip run like clockwork. Thanks Evan! I didn't mean what I said when the alarm went off at 6am!!

Our first stop today was at one of India's oldest and largest conglomerates, the Tata Group. We were originally scheduled to meet with Tata's chairman, Mr. Ratan Tata. However, due to the recent attacks against his flagship Raj hotel, he was forced to cancel. Instead, we met with the group's Senior Director of development and had an excellent conversation on their strategy for their various operating companies (think steel, auto and IT consulting). Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of this event.

We were then off to People Group to meet with Chairman Anupam Mittal. Mr. Mittal is an entrepreneur who has started popular marriage and real estate websites. This meeting was a very interesting contrast to the day's first meeting with Tata representing traditional business and a rich history and People Group representing entrepreneurialism and the new economy. Mr. Mittal was generous with his time and helped us to understand opportunities for internet businesses in the country.
We then treked off to the airport to fly to Bangalore and arrived late at our hotel. Here Suda and I are after finally arriving.

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