Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day 4 (part 1): GMR and Sequoia Capital

Day 4 brought the group to GMR, a visionary infrastructure group that is working to construct the roads, airports and power facilities that the country greatly needs. The company also makes great effort to give back to the community in any way that they can. We spent over 2 hours with senior management, including the group's billionaire founder and CEO, Mr. G.M. Rao. Here you can see Ishan speaking with Mr. Rao and securing his 5th job offer of the trip. It was another quality meeting for the group where we delved into business culture and ethics as well as what it takes to run a family business efficiently.

Next, we travelled to Sequoia Capital, the world's foremost Venture capital firm. A couple of partners at Sequoia joined 2 of their portfolio company entrepreneurs for a great panel discussion. We discussed many issues around VC in India, entrepreneurialism in India and the Indian market. We then broke into smaller groups for more personal discussion.

Tonight, we're having a VC/alumni dinner, so it should be another packed day.

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